Sending GBP abroad? exchange rates

GBP Exchange Rate

British Pound Latest Exchange Rate
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British Pound US Dollar 1.28 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Dollar
British Pound Euro 1.21 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Euro
British Pound Japanese Yen 192.20 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Yen
British Pound 175.85 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to
British Pound 4.60 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to
British Pound Australian Dollar 1.99 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Aus Dollar
British Pound Brazil Real 7.67 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Real
British Pound Bulgarian Lev 2.36 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Lev
British Pound Canadian Dollar 1.80 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Cad dollar
British Pound Chinese Yuan 9.28 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Yuan
British Pound Croatian Kuna 9.10 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Kuna
British Pound Czech Koruna 30.31 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Koruna
British Pound Danish Krone 9.00 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to DKK
British Pound Estonian Kroon 18.88 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Kroon
British Pound Hong Kong Dollar 9.93 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Hong Kong Dollar
British Pound Hungarian Forint 500.09 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Forint
British Pound Indian Rupee 108.16 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Rupee
British Pound Indonesian Rupiah 20,208.11 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Rupiah
British Pound Latvian Lats 0.85 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Lats
British Pound Lithuanian Litas 4.17 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Litas
British Pound Malaysian Ringgit 5.64 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Ringgit
British Pound Mexican Peso 25.78 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Peso
British Pound New Zealand Dollar 2.19 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to NZ Dollar
British Pound Norwegian Krone 14.17 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to NOK
British Pound Philippine Peso 73.88 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Peso
British Pound Polish Zloty 5.15 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Zloty
British Pound Romanian Lei 6.01 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Lei
British Pound Russian Ruble 141.45 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Ruble
British Pound Singapore Dollar 1.71 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Singapore Dollar
British Pound South African Rand 23.06 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Rand
British Pound South Korean Won 1,813.08 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Won
British Pound Swedish Krona 13.91 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Krona
British Pound Swiss Franc 1.12 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Franc
British Pound Thai Baht 43.41 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Baht
British Pound Turkish Lira 44.44 06/12/2024 Convert Pound to Lira
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The British Pound or commonly known as GBP is the long standing currency of the United Kingdom. It has a long and colourful history and is recognised as one of the leading world currencies. GBP rates are affacted by economic conditions in the United Kingdom, and also from monetary policies set by the Bank of England. The latest exchange rates for GBP can be found here each day with a GBP converter to letyou see the value of British Pounds in other world currencies.


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