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Currency Converter Result for 1 BRL to EUR rate.

Brazil Real (BRL)
= 0.16141 EUR
Euro (EUR)
1 BRL = 0.16141 EUR   1 EUR = 6.19530 BRL

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When converting 1 Real to Euro, it's important to note that exchange rates fluctuate constantly due to various factors such as economic conditions, geopolitical events, and market sentiment. Therefore, the Real rate displayed may vary slightly from moment to moment. Rest assured, we strive to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date Real exchange rates available. Whether you're converting Real to Euro for a vacation or monitoring currency fluctuations for investment purposes, our tool provides reliable data.

When looking at exchange rates, there will be tools you have to use to make your investment decisions. An integral tool is a currency converter. This currency converter will simply convert currency rates to the value of another. The conversion of 1 Real to Euro is an exchange rate used is taken daily from European Central Bank rates.


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The Brazilian Real (BRL) is the official unit of currency for Brazil, the largest country in all of South America and Latin America. The Central Bank of Brazil, located in Brasília, is the major institution responsible for issuing and managing the Brazilian Real. Created on December 31, 1964, the Bank plays a crucial role in implementing monetary policies designed to maintain economic stability and check inflation within its own borders.

The BRL plays a crucial role in consolidating the South American financial market, and its trade is also of great importance on both regional policy objectives and economic planning. Despite experiencing periods of instability and fluctuation as it suffers from shifts in politics and finance, the BRL has remained a vital component of Brazil's economic framework. It reflects the vibrant vitality of this nation.


Euro is the official currency of the Eurozone, which includes 19 of the 27 European Union states. These countries occupy a substantial part of the European continent, meaning Euro is one of the most common currencies globally.

In terms of its monetary policy, the currency is regulated by the European Central Bank and has its headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. The Central Bank is responsible for the controlling performance in the countries that use Euro and aims at price stability within the Eurozone. With regard to the liquidity of its financial instruments, the Euro is second only to US dollar, which makes it one of the key players in the international finance market. If you are looking to transfer money to France, transfer money to Spain, transfer money to Italy or transfer money to Germany it would be done in Euros.

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